Tuesday 15 April 2014

A Week to a New You: Day Two

Day two of the Cool, Chic and in Christ series looking at the seven sayings of Jesus on the cross and we are back in Luke’s Gospel and still at the foot of the cross in search of transformation.

“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43

I love travelling. Be it on foot which is my personal favourite, as a passenger in a car (I still, shockingly, cannot drive),on a train seeing towns and villages zip by with me straining to read place names, or several thousand feet up in the sky with only the journey mapper on the seat in front of me charting the kilometres flown, I adore the whole process from beginning to end. For me, even when the destination is somewhere I have been a dozen times before, the journey is equally thrilling. However, as Christos this verse in Luke speaks of a journey with an incredible destination; Paradise.

Theologians refer to this verse as ‘The Word of Salvation.” as it is directed to one of the two criminals, crucified on either side of Jesus, who asked to be remembered when Jesus came into his kingdom. By this man’s faith and plaintive request, whilst he is dying, Jesus gives him the gift of a life everlasting. Yet, what I see in this verse is something else, a sinner, i.e. a person chock-full-of flaws like the rest of us, getting an immediate ticket to a heavenly destination that is without 
compare and will never disappoint.

There are clues in the sentence of both the veracity and celerity of Jesus’ statement. Jesus begins with the word ‘Truly’; this is a case of no filler or B.S., but the honest to goodness truth. Then, we have the use of the word ‘Today’. There is no commercial break, the thief has asked and God in his ever-ending goodness has responded,  pretty much immediately, in the day itself. And then the best bit of all ‘with me in Paradise’. There is no separation for those who choose Jesus. Instead, you come into an intimacy and a companionship that trounces all others. It is why we are ‘in Christ’ rather than ‘of him’ or ‘beside him’ or ‘a few feet behind him’. His very nature becomes our own, should we choose it. And finally the destination itself, Paradise; a metaphysical space that it eternal in nature. Over the centuries since Jesus used the word, Paradise as a term has been somewhat cheapened. It has become synonymous with untouched beaches and days with nothing more taxing than selecting another exotically coloured cocktail from a drinks menu. However,  although this in itself can be fun and I love nothing more than sippng a gin and mint martini on a beach where the azure blue sky and sea morph into one, signing up to be in Christ is not a fast pass to chillaxing. On the contrary, being in Christ for eternity means being part of the God project, one that at its centre has love, creation, compassion and peace-making.  It is a Divine Appointment, the biggest and most important role that any of us have.

So, in the midst of Day Two of our transforming Holy Week what does this mean in practical terms? Well first, we do not need to wait for our dying moments like the thief on the cross did to get our invitation to Paradise. We need only look at the Lord’s Prayer for a clue to our activities in the here and now: ‘Your Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven.’  We can be in Paradise or Heaven, right this minute, assuming we abide by God’s will and not our own. A tricky proposition for sure. I am Queen of trying to shoehorn my own heart felt desires into something a little more spiritual, so to speak. But for those of us who have spent a little time praying, fasting, communing with God, there is always a certain ‘sense’ that one is doing what God would want us to do, rather than something random and disconnected. Try it a couple of times today and see where the promptings take you and don’t forget to post, share and tweet, elegant evangelist styles...

Until tomorrow, and no, I couldn’t resist…

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