Week two of Lent has been a stresser; so much so that this post almost didn’t
happen at all. Between the minor (the Gunners losing to Barcelona in the first
leg of their UEFA Cup tie) to the major, continued injustices and casual
cruelties that I witness going unpunished, the lazy folk getting rewarded and the fact that many seem
to believe kind is a synonym for doormat and behave accordingly. I have been
left wondering maybe quit the whole fasting thing and order myself a double
tier cake. Prayer, fasting and contemplation seem to be a long arduous road,
punctuated by hunger, seeming silence from the heavens and no definitive
To the Lectionary I went seeking hope in a verse or three.
As I said in my previous post, I am doing Lent the old school way and
meditating on the set readings provided. The passages from Luke and Philippians
could have been customised for the week I had as both focused on the deeper
question of how to maintain hope, confidence most of all faith in situations
that seemed terminal.
In Luke9:28-42 we read about the Transfiguration. Peter’s
response, wonder, fear and the random suggestion of building dwellings for
Jesus, Moses and Elijah is typical of the confused believer. Far easier to
babble and make suggestions that seem useful than focus on what is truly at
‘A voice came from the cloud, saying,
“This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” ‘
Luke 9:35
Critical to any believer is steadfast following of Jesus.
Everything else is secondary, even if a prophet and the receiver of the 10 Commandments
rocks up, nothing , but nothing tops following Jesus. Instead of letting all
the irritating aspects of the week get to me, or wondering what I should be
doing next to get to the next Spiritual milestone, all I had to do was keep listening
to my Lord and Saviour. No one and nothing is above or beyond him.
In Philippians, Paul reminds us where our true confidence,
identity and belonging should stem from:
“Their destiny is
destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame.
Their mind is set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we
eagerly await a Saviour from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Philippians 3:19-20
Concerning myself with the four letter words that sprinkle
every society and the other wrongs that happen ad-infinitum is distracting. Even when there are gross
injustices, it is not for me to judge, comment or get myself in a tizz about.
As all those who choose that direction have already received their reward in
the earthly realm and that is precisely where it will stay. For me to froth and
fret about things not being righted is to be as in the flesh and concerned with
the temporary as those short-cut crew members. Although we occupy this world,
as believers this world is not our final destination or indeed the place our
spirit really wants to reside. Our home is in heaven, where our Lord and
Saviour reigns eternal. As we look forward to the Easter story with the
resurrection and indeed to his earthly return, one is best to participate as
cheerfully and positively as possible, so that he too will be well pleased with
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