Father’s Day is upon us and doubtless there are many men out there who are getting the chance to be spoilt rotten. Breakfasts in bed, a boys only kickabout, a framed portrait of Pops and his daughter and a brand new car are just some of the presents I have got the inside skinny on...Lucky all of them is what I say!
But what of those who approach this day with past pain? After all for every happy family tableau there are many that are less so. What comfort for those who experienced an absent father, a violent father, an ambivalent father? Or those who’s father has passed away and the cheerful scenes they may encounter today make them all the more lonely? Thankfully, for all believers we can look to our Father in Heaven.
God's love is both real and practical and in spite of past misdemeanours he is keen to forget: "Come now, let us settle the matter" says the LORD, "Though your sins are like scarlet; they shall be white as snow." Isaiah 1:18. A show of hands please, of any of the earthly fathers out there who would be so calm and understanding in the light of full on rebellion and general disobedience? I thought so...
What is most encouraging for all of us is that God's love surpasses any other expression of love we may have received as He is Love (1 John 4:16). Accepting God's love as our own means that every day is Father's Day, as the Father of ALL creation, loved us all from the beginning and will love us all to the end. If our fathers are fantastic and are still knocking around God will love them and guide them in their excellent work. For the fathers who are or were less A star in there performance God not only accepts and prompts them towards a better path, but also comforts those closest to that negative experience and who felt the collateral damage most. To the fathers in heaven who are now chilling in heaven, and are sorely missed; He will continue to keep an eye out on the children left behind and keep those happy memories shining bright.
Finally, let's take a look at two verses from good old St Paul and go about having a day that is based on the right perspective: "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus Our Lord." Romans 8:38-39
Aren't we the lucky ones to call the creator of all things past, present and yet to come, who vanquishes demons and is love infinitum Dad? Happy Father's Day to all my siblings in Christ.
Beautiful. Thanks Mazzi. Xx